# dpkg -i php-printipp_0.*-1_all.deb (or) $ sudo dpkg -i php-printipp_0.*-1_all.deb
Classes location is /usr/share/php/printipp/. As default PHP include_path directive includes /usr/share/php/, you'll have to put either one of the following lines in your PHP code, depending of what level of operations you want to perform (only one include/require is needed, because top-classes will load automagically the low-level ones):
require_once('printipp/BasicIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/PrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/CupsPrintIPP.php');
Choose the last if you are unsure
www pages are in /usr/share/php-printipp/ (you'll have to link /etc/apache2/sites-available/phpprintipp to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to make them available at http://localhost/print/). It is wise to restrict access to these pages to local net, or identified hosts (default to localhost only), and to edit their settings.
Command-line "phpprintipp" tool is in /usr/bin
Documentation is in /usr/share/doc/php-printipp directory.
Two new cool banners (txtbanner and psbanner) are in /usr/share/cups/banners directory.
user$ ./autogen.sh user$ make junior-admin$ make install
$ ./autogen.sh \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var $ make # make install(or any paths which fit your system).
If you have not set the autogen selectors,Classes location is /usr/local/share/php/printipp/. You'll have to modify the PHP include_path directive in the relevant "php.ini" file to it includes /usr/local/share/php/, and you'll have to put either one of the following lines in your PHP code, depending of what level of operations you want to perform (only one include/require is needed, because top-classes will load automagically the low-level ones):
require_once('printipp/BasicIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/PrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/CupsPrintIPP.php');
Choose the last if you are unsure
If you have not set the autogen selectors Command-line "phpprintipp" tool is in /usr/local/bin
If you have not set the autogen selectors www pages are in /usr/local/share/php-printipp/ (you'll have to link /usr/local/etc/apache2/sites-available/phpprintipp to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled to make them available at http://localhost/print/). It is wise to restrict access to these pages to local net, or identified hosts (default to localhost only), and to edit their settings.
If you have not set the autogen selectors documentation is in /usr/local/share/doc/php-printipp
If you have not set the autogen selectors Two new cool banners (acctxt and accps) are in /usr/local/share/cups/banners directory.
you'll have to put either one of the following lines in your PHP code, depending of what level of operations you want to perform (only one include/require is needed, because top-classes will load automagically the low-level ones):
require_once('printipp/BasicIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/PrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/ExtendedPrintIPP.php'); or: require_once('printipp/CupsPrintIPP.php');
Choose the last if you are unsure